Saudi embassy, to provide Ramadan rations for the needy in Pakistan

The Saudi embassy and Pakistan Bait-ul-Maal (PBM) this week agreed to join hands to distribute ration bags among the needy during Ramadan and to care for 100 orphans across the country, state-run media reported.

The agreement took place on Friday when PBM Managing Director Syed Tariq Mahmood Al-Hassan visited the Saudi embassy in Islamabad at the invitation of Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Pakistan, Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki.

Saudi relief agencies and other social organizations from the Kingdom have previously collaborated with the PBM on numerous projects aimed at helping the needy and vulnerable individuals.

“The Saudi Embassy on Friday agreed to collaborate with Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM) to distribute ration bags during Ramadan ul Mubarak and take responsibility for the care of 100 orphans supported by Pakistan Sweet Home,” the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) said in a report.

It added that Malki assured Hassan of further cooperation from the embassy in additional social projects in Pakistan.

Hassan thanked Malki and recognized Saudi Arabia’s focus on global social sectors.

“He highlighted the enduring support between the two brotherly nations during challenging periods, emphasizing Saudi Arabia’s continual prioritization of Pakistan’s economy and social well-being,” the APP said.

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