The Power Division has notified a hike in electricity tariff by Rs4.45 per unit for Karachi consumers following NEPRA’s decision.
The latest hike in the electricity tariff was made in terms of the first quarterly adjustment of the previous fiscal year. The additional payments will be received from K-Electric consumers in October and November.
The electricity tariff for K-Electric consumers was increased from Rs1.49 per unit to Rs4.45 per unit.
Related: NEPRA hikes electricity tariff for KE consumers
On Thursday, giving another shock to the already burdened power consumers, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) approved an increase in tariff by Rs1.71 per unit.
As per the issued notification, the power regulatory authority approved the increase in power tariff under fuel adjustment charges (FAC) for the month of August.
The notification stated that the surge in electricity tariff would be applied to the bills of October. Meanwhile, the hike will not be applicable to Lifeline and K Electric customers.
Related: Pakistan to ‘revise’ gas tariff for fertilizer sector on IMF’s demand
Separately on October 3, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) approved an increase in the price of electricity per unit by Rs 3 28 per unit as part of the quarterly adjustment.
According to the notification issued by NEPRA, a rate of Rs 3.28 per kilowatt hour (kWh) shall be recovered from different consumers categories of power distribution companies (DISCOs) and K-Electric in a period of six (06) months i-e October 2023 to March 2024.