Pakistan’s army chief calls relations with China ‘unique,’ applauds defense partnership with Beijing

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir described the bilateral relations between Pakistan and China as “unique” while addressing a ceremony to mark the 96th anniversary of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi on Wednesday.

The two countries have always enjoyed close defense and diplomatic relations.

In recent years, they also took a multibillion-dollars regional connectivity initiative — the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) — for infrastructure development in Pakistan while ensuring greater economic progress for everyone.

“The Pakistan-China relationship is unique and robust that has proven its resilience in the face of all challenges,” the army chief said while highlighting various dimensions of the deep-rooted ties between both countries.

“The PLA and Pakistan Army are brothers in arms and our relationship will continue to contribute toward safeguarding our collective interests,” he added.

The ceremony at the army headquarters was also attended by Chinese diplomats and military officials in the country.

“This all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between China and Pakistan has stood the test of the time and change of international landscapes,” Chinese Chargé d’Affaires Pang Chunxue said during her address.

“China and Pakistan have just jointly celebrated the 10th anniversary of the launch of CPEC and in the past months, COAS and other military leaders paid successful visits to China, which has strongly promoted the relationship between the two militaries,” she continued.

The army chief also applauded PLA’s role in China’s defense, security and nation-building during his address.

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