The United States is facing a troubling wave of depression, with the rate of adults who have been diagnosed at some point soaring to 29.0%, an alarming increase of nearly 10 percentage points since 2015, according to a new Gallup poll.
Wave of depression sweeps across U.S. as 29% of adults say they’ve been diagnosed
Today, almost one in five Americans (17.8%) are grappling with depression, signifying a seven-point surge within the same period. This is an all-time high since Gallup began monitoring depression in 2015.
The sting of depression is felt most deeply among women, young adults, and Black and Hispanic adults. Women, in particular, are facing a storm of emotional turmoil, with a staggering 36.7% admitting to a lifetime diagnosis of depression, almost double the rate of men.
Similarly, adults aged between 18-44 are weathering a mental health crisis, revealing considerably higher rates of diagnosis and treatment. This surge in depression isn’t confined to the U.S. borders either.
Around the globe, close to 40% of adults over the age of 15 are fighting a battle with severe depression or anxiety, or are emotionally vested in the struggles of a loved one facing the same.
Researchers believe that the COVID-19 pandemic, with the social isolation, fear and psychological exhaustion it brought, has left an indelible mark on our collective mental health, fueling this wave of depression.