Chinese, Pakistani journalists pledge to counter propaganda against CPEC

Chinese, Pakistani journalists pledge to counter propaganda against CPEC

Chinese and Pakistani media professionals and journalists have committed to uphold the spirit of steel friendship and to work together to counteract false information and defamatory propaganda spread by the western media against China and Pakistan.

At the closing ceremony of an online seminar on “Young Media Professionals for Pakistan,” hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and hosted by China Radio and TV Corp. for International Techno-Economic Cooperation (CRTV), media professionals from China and Pakistan made the pledge.

According to official information, China has so far signed more than 150 cooperation documents under Belt and Road Initiative with more than 130 countries and international organizations and it has also signed capacity cooperation documents with 40 countries to support substantive economic cooperation.

On the other hand, at global level, anti-globalization forces are also active to derail Belt and Road initiative projects to serve their vested interests.

Pakistan is an active member of Belt and Road Initiative under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The CPEC is considered basic plank and a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative.

The CPEC is a major economic cooperation project between the two friendly countries. Both nations have been enjoying very cordial relations and supported each other in difficult times. Both countries also have been cooperating with each other on different issues at regional and international forums. The CPEC is now turning these relations into strong economic relations and it will likely to shift Pakistan-China relations into industrial cooperation.

CPEC has already started benefiting Pakistan’s ailing economy and it has so far produced real and tangible outcomes for the economy and people of Pakistan.

According to latest details, under the more than $ 60 billion mega project, work on 22 cooperation projects including energy, infrastructure and others was started and 10 of which have been completed while 12 projects are under construction. So far $ 19 billion has been spent on these projects and out of which $6 billion are a soft loan with 2 percent mark-up and 20-year repayment period and rest of amount is investment.
Due to the failure to appease masses who are countering highest inflation by this government, some elements have started maneuvering the situation and have launched propaganda against CPEC and spreading misinformation. The Western and Indian media has again started their extensive campaign against CPEC projects and they are reporting it as a cause of economic crisis and debt burden on Pakistan.

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